Wednesday, April 8, 2015

G is for Greatness!

Encouragement Cards - Greatness

There is Greatness in YOU!

Ask any kid, there is always at least one teacher that all the kids consider their "favorite." They flock to this teacher in the playground, even offer to help in their room after classes. The special teacher that is so liked and respected by so many students, seems to have a great personality as well as the supernatural ability to see the individual greatness in every kid and help them to bring that quality forward. 

Personally, I remember some really great teachers that I had in school and in my adult life as well. I look back and remember my art teacher in high school that could see the potential for a graphic designer in me and encouraged me in this area. As my daughter has gone through the school years, she has had many favorite teachers. One aspect that I have noticed in the leadership role of a teacher is, in order to unlock and unleash the potential in someone, and to empower them to be the best version of themselves that they can be...the teacher has utilized their own virtue of humility. 

To have humility is to pull out the greatness in others (not ourselves), and to give someone the ability to see their own potential. Humility is the act of serving others. To me, the really awesome aspect of this is that every favorite teacher was once a student that someone saw the GREATNESS of their potential and poured into them first.

Encourage Someone Today!

Send me a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) 2804 8th St., Columbus, NE 68601, I will send you three Encouragement Cards. Day 7


  1. Ah, great teachers: I've had many. I have fond memories of so many wonderful and giving teachers. And this goes for college professors too. I am still in touch with my Marketing professor from the early 80s. In fact we just connected a few months ago. I found out that he retired so I hope we will still be able to stay in contact. A great teacher can make all the difference in the world to an individual. I think it's a shame that they are so poorly compensated financially as they are indispensable in all societies.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. I had some wonderful teachers over the years who I think inspired me in many ways. Teachers today I think have a much tougher job than they used to with more stringent curricula and administrative monitoring. That according to the teachers I've spoken with lately.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out
