Friday, April 17, 2015

O is for Original!

Encouragement Cards - Original
 You are an Original!
Our house is where the neighborhood kids came to play. As our daughter has had many friends over and through the years I have had the privilege to be many of her friends second mom. And as the years have gone by we, have watched a couple neighborhood kids grow from babies to the high school years.

One thing every child needs to hear is how much their parents love them unconditionally, that they are beautifully and wonderfully made. Beauty shines from the inside, and their individualism, the way they smile to their laugh is unique to them. Our creator chose each trait specifically for them to make them His work of art, His masterpiece.

When a neighborhood girl was being bullied, I just find is so hard to understand that she would believe the lies that the bully was saying to her. Why can't she see how God sees her. She is exquisitely lovely, has a spunky personality, worthy of kindness and so much more. If only she could see what we see in her. Her beauty is unique to her. But she doesn't see herself that way. 
If only the bully could see her the way we see her. That he could get over his insecurities and see the real her. The girl that Jesus sees! The tragic reality is, she and the bully both need the same thing... to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Encourage Someone Today!
Send me a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) 2804 8th St., Columbus, NE 68601, I will send you three Encouragement Cards. Day 14

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