Friday, April 10, 2015

I is for Impact - How Far is Your Reach?

I is for Impact - How Far is Your Reach?
Have you ever stopped to consider how many people you reach? Have you really thought about how many people you have communicated with ~ talk to in person, on the phone, on FaceBook, greet, meet, have lunch with, is a friend of a friend, is an acquaintance, is your bff,, was your bff, went to school with, work with in your job, worked with in a past job, all the jobs you've ever had, went to church with, went to a concert with, all the people you have ever met in your life time? Can you put a number to it? 1000, 10,000 or more?

As time goes on and our advancements in technology go further our reach goes further too. Just as the technology changes our society, we have the same ability to impact those who are within our reach.
I have chosen to embrace this instead of fear or ignore this fact.

A person in my circle of friends was leaving her position at an organization where her job allowed her to impact the lives of many kids. She was recently honored for that contribution to children. She had a hand in shaping many kids' futures. This got me thinking that this job really suited her. Her impact was far reaching and now she was moving on to another area where she could reach more at a different level.

I like to think that God puts us in places where if we are willing, we can have a huge impact on those around us. It is really not the number of how many we reach. Although it would be fun to know that number, what is important is that we take on the challenge to impact those around us for Jesus.

It might be your child's friend, a coworker, the friend of a friend on Facebook or a person that you don't personally know and you will never run into again... the question is, are you taking the opportunity to share Jesus?

I once heard a story of a dying pastor, who with his last breath was still concerned about saving one more soul for Jesus. I don't remember the details of the story, what I have carried with me is this... save one more for Jesus. So what do you think your number is? Maybe someday in heaven we will know how many people's lives we have effected. But right now, I do know this... I am willing to impact those around me for Jesus. How far is your reach?

Encourage Someone Today!

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