Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z is for Zest

Z is Zest

What is your zest in life? Are you in that place where your talents and gifts, (the natural God given abilities and strengths), a need, (a cause or niche in your area of expertise), and your passion, (the things that motivate. excite and inspire you), come together and you find your voice and that you have something worthwhile to say. I can't say that I've ever been in this spot before. But this is where I find myself. The zest that you find IN life, (as opposed to zest FOR life), allows you to find your voice and inspire others.

In the book "The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness," by Stephen R. Covey explores in depth this place where all these elements come together. I hope that many of you who took on the challenge of the last 30 days find yourself in this place. It is where talent, passion and a need come together and you find your voice to inspire others. It is a good place to be. Give a big thank you to the author of all creation for this powerful zest! 

So, carry on my fellow bloggers, and followers... keep fueling your passion with your talents and filling the need that is yours alone to fill. Inspire, with your words and give your voice to encourage others!

Encourage Someone Today!


  1. Very encouraging post. Love it.
    Congratulations on completing the A to Z challenge for 2015.
    We made it! (I did 5 blogs this year for the series - all on different topics. Whew.)
    Thanks for visiting and commenting at
    Practically at Home . Hope you will stop by again.

    1. Oh my 5?! Wow! That is very inspiring! Whew is right! Thanks for visiting and commenting. I will stop by.
