Sunday, July 31, 2016

What has God planned for your dream?

What is your dream? That thing that if you just had the enough time and resources, you would love to streamline all your creative efforts into. You can see it in your head, and the vision of it grows the more you think about it. Maybe you have even put forth some time and effort even money towards moving your dream into reality. Well, my dream was and is to help girls who are struggling through figuring out what their life is going to be into confident young ladies.

 Every one goes through it, it's part of growing up. In fact, it's the learning process that we must go through to develop our character. Of course, one can grow up and not learn these lessons. We see it every day, you could call it shallow, self-centered. Until the lessons and processes of character development are learned or experienced, we will not be the person God has planned us to be. God can mold and shape us into the well-rounded individual, grounded, know-who-are-in Christ kind of women. The best! That is His plan is for us. And that was my dream. to help develop awkward young girls into confident, grounded, Christ-centered young women. So that is where EncourageMeKids, verse cards come into play. Post them around your desk, bedroom mirror, dream board, where ever so you can remind yourself the promises and vision of what God has planned for you, or that special girl, or child in your life. I am in the process of converting my sight to a shopping cart site. Please contact me if you are interested in my verse cards. I will respond within 24 hours.

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