Monday, April 20, 2015

Q is for Be as QUICK to Pray as You Are to Text

Be as QUICK to Pray as You are to Text

Are you a texter? I went a long time before I added the texting part of my phone plan. I have it now and I must admit that texting is very handy in certain situations. But what I really want to talk about here, is geared to the person or teen who is often found on their phone for hours a day. You know someone who is or you know who you are...The person who has to look up so they don't run into something. Really, this is a habit that is completely curable. Put down the phone. Awe look, the sun is shining. It is a beautiful day, but you didn't notice because your head as in a  perpetual downward position, with your fingers cramping up.

Now since I have your attention, maybe instead of having mindless conversations about nothing, you might join the world of people that live here with you. Your family and friends who might be in the same room with you. Too harsh, well, my apologies. but as a mom who has watched several of my daughters friends do this, I have a lot to rant about. I guess, what I am trying to say is, have a meaningful conversation. You could probably find that your parents would love to hear about your day, your thoughts or how you are dealing with the things in your life.  

So would God. He would love to hear from you about anything. You start talking and He is always there listening and ready for a relationship. The power of prayer is greatly underestimated. A conversation with God can change everything. Try it! It will change your life!

Encourage Someone Today!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I too often see couples on dinner dates and they are both looking down at their phones. What a date!!!

    There is so much to enjoy in our world - look up.
    Happy A to Zing
