Tuesday, April 14, 2015

L is for the Little Things

Encouragement Cards - Greatness 
L is for the Little Things
L is for the little things that you do for someone or someone does for you. It's when your mom fills up your drink before she sits down to dinner. It's when your husband comes out to help bring in the groceries. It's when your daughter waits to watch a recording of your favorite show together. It's the little things that make your life just a little easier that really add up to a big thing.
The big gestures in life are great. Like when your parents bought you that big extravagant present for your birthday. You will remember that day for the rest of your life, but when you stop to think about it, aren't those small gestures worth just as much? My daughter and I like to go get a lemonade together, and sit and talk about the sometimes tough day I've had or she has had. The honest opinion of someone you trust and the time spent together talking over those little things, that really weren't such a big deal after all once you've had the chance to reflect and changed your perspective on it (or vented until you have nothing left to say).

You might say "Oh it's no big deal," when someone thanks you for patiently waiting for and holding the door open for them. But really it is the small kindnesses that enrich our day and make it enjoyable. That's why you can never go wrong with being kind, honest and patient.

Show kindness to all.

Be honest.

Exercise patience.
Share your joy!

Encourage Someone Today!

Send me a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) 2804 8th St., Columbus, NE 68601, I will send you three Encouragement Cards. Day 12


  1. It's always the little things that mean the most because I miss them the most, like cuddling with my mom on the couch watching Netflix.

  2. Cuddling with your mom or daughter is the best!
